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You are in northern Colorado. Click here to go to our Metro Denver site. 

Energy Outreach Colorado: February 2018

February 28, 2018 

Plumbline Services understands that high energy bills can be a huge burden on any family. Our Service Professionals provide our clients with products, tips and tricks to help lower their energy use. We never want a family to go without heat during the cold months. Luckily, there are other organizations that feel the same way! 

“Energy Outreach Colorado is the only independent non-profit in the state raising money to help provide home energy assistance to low-income Coloradans.” – 

Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC) is reaching low-income families in so many ways! They raise money for low-income families to keep up with their heating bills. EOC helps affordable housing facilities become energy efficient and serve their tenants better. On top of everything, they also assistant in paying for repairing or replacing furnaces that are not working. The EOC has a great program called the Non-Profit Facilities Program (NEEP). NEEP raises money for non-profit facilities to allow them to focus on the families and individuals they serve in the community.  The EOC is not only meant to help financially. They also educate the Community on how to become “smarter energy consumers.” 

Energy Outreach Colorado

These programs are designed to help reduce the need for energy assistance over time. Reducing the energy bill can help keep people in their homes longer, reducing homelessness. On top of that, by more consumers paying on time it helps utility companies reduce their bad debt and collections costs.  

Energy Outreach Colorado has been bringing affordable energy to low-income Coloradans since 1989. EOC is funded through many different types of donors; grants, foundations, corporate, individuals and more. Colorado’s Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federal grant that helps Energy Outreach Colorado reach the low-income families in Colorado. However, because LEAP funding is limited, they also need the help from others. 

They want to ensure that all “Coloradans” are warm throughout the cold months. Plumbline Services is excited to help fund this great organization for the first time!